100 sites
Aquassay takes it to the next level : a hundred connected sites.
Since its creation in 2015, Aquassay’s goal is to help indutrials sites and sustainable cities in the optimization of their water efficiency. In other words : consume less water, consume better and pollute less. This milestone of 100 connected sites is, for us, the sign that the awareness campaign we carried, concerning the preservation of water, pays off.
In any way, for a water cycle audit on site, a water usages and treatments mapping or a long-term process monitoring , Aquassay collects data from the site’s equipments and sensors. Our teams of process engineering experts and water and environement engineers develop operational information and interpret them to answer to the specific issues our clients encounter.
200 subscriptions
And to follow-up their equipments, our clients subscribe to services allowing us to collect data all over their sites. If new sensors should be installed temporarily and connected to a network to send data, our CATEC-certified team can operate within any kind of environment. Furthermore, if the client is currently working with partners such as BWT, our technology is already embedded inside a variety of their products.
Collecte data are then handle, displayed, treated with calculations or models and compared to nominal operating conditions, in real-time, in our online SaaS. Whatever the installation, our SaaS is adaptable and our client has access to operating modules for its specific needs. This is why we can work with fine chemistry industrial sites as well as water bottling plants for example.
6 countries
Aquassay started working in foreign countries really soon and is active in 6 countries for now. Massive contracts such as the one signed with Nestlé Waters last summer will allow us to operate at least on twenty countries within a year. This worldwide dimension opens to Aquassay the doors of international events. We were lucky in 2019 to introduce Aquassay at the G7 summit in Biarritz.
For majors, our ability to collect data from all their sites and gather them into our real-time SaaS is a significant progress towards sites monitoring and industrial and environmental performances. Our solution is reliable, flexible and secure. It allows clients to make their dashboards evolve and connect new sites seamlessly.
Millions of data
With these 100 sites and 200 subscriptions, Aquassay had to receive and handle millions of data per year, in real-time.
Our teams have worked assiduously to make our information security management ISO27001 certified. Then, data clients are sending remain their property but they are also stored on private crypted servers.
These data allowed us to sharpen our models, improve our dashboards’ readability and develop our future services and products. Thanks to all our clients for their trust. Each of you has been a tremendous step of our growth.